The purpose of the CCIS Professional Liaison Program is to allow spouses of internationals to address questions about their career during one-on-one conversations with other professionals in their field.


For Internationals

PLP International Spouses had professional careers prior to arriving at Stanford. Many have graduate degrees in science, engineering, medicine, business, and/or education.

Our community contacts are volunteers who donate time to share their professional experience with these international visitors.

To participate in this one-on-one contact program

The PLP Coordinator will review your application then contact you to arrange a meeting, first with you and then with the professonal contact person.

For more information contact Professional Liaison Program at:

For CCIS Volunteers

Becoming a professional contact is easy and generally involves meeting with an international applicant to answer questions the applicant might have about a profession.

To participate in the one-on-one contact program

For more information contact Professional Liaison Program at: